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Town Council Members

The Town of Morven operates under the mayor-council form of government. The Town Council sets the Town's policy, enacts laws and adopts the annual budget. The Mayor implement Town policies, administer operations, and supervise personnel.
Town Council Structure
There are five council members and a mayor elected by the registered voters of the town. Town Council members serve four-year terms, with elections being held every two years. The mayor presides at all council meetings and is recognized as the official head of the town for ceremonial purposes. However, the mayor does not vote on matters coming before the council except in the event of a tie.
Town Council Meetings
The Morven Town Council meets at 6 pm on the first Monday of each month unless otherwise scheduled. The location is Glennie Bennett and the public is urged to attend. There is a time set aside at the beginning of each regular meeting for public comment. Click here for Public Comment Policy. Click Download Agenda & Minutes tab for Town Meeting Minutes.
Agenda and Minutes
To be placed on the agenda, please contact the Town Clerk (704-851-9321) at least one week prior to the council meeting. To view the agenda, please contact the Town Clerk.
Minutes of Town Council meetings are also available for pick-up at Morven Town Hall.
Meet Morven Town Council

Mayor Pro-Tem
Tanya Chance

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